
Friday, April 21, 2006

Beta release of Ubuntu 6.06

A beta release of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake has been announced Announcing Beta release of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS and is available from http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/.

In addition to the above, the codename for Dapper+1 was announced by Mark Shuttleworth, and is "The Edgy Eft".

And here's why. Edgy is all about cutting edge, perhaps bleeding edge,brand new code and infrastructure. It will be the right time to bring in some seriously interesting but definitely edgy new technologies which lay the groundwork for the next wave of Ubuntu development.

An Eft is a youthful newt, going through its first exploration of the rocky territory just outside the stream. And that's exactly what we hope the development team will do with Ubuntu during the Edgy cycle - explore slightly unfamiliar and uncharted territory that is perhaps a little out of the mainstream.

So dream a little about Xen for virtualisation, Xgl/AIGLX and other wonderful wobbly window bits, the goodness of Network Manager, a first flirt with multiarch support for true mixed 32-bit and 64-bit computing on AMD64, the interesting possibilities of the SMART package manager... and other pieces of infrastructure which have appeared tantalisingly on the horizon.announcement in full